====== Clary Sage ======
---- dataentry herbs---- latin_names: Salvia sclarea folk_names: gender_tags: Masculine planet_tags: Mercury element_tags: Air deity_tags: effect_tags: Euphoria, Calm, Dreams part_tags: essential oil ----
===== Aromatherapy ===== Clary sage is related to the common garden sage. Unlike it, though, this pink-flowered herb’s essential oil is non-toxic to humans. The essential oil has a musty, sage-like aroma. It isn’t pleasing to all noses but it certainly does its work. Perhaps clary sage’s most celebrated effect upon humans is its legendary ability to induce euphoria when inhaled for a few moments. However, as Robert Tisserand warns us in his excellent book The Art of Aromatherapy, deliberately abusing clary sage oil for this purpose will result only in severe headache. Essential oils, like synthetic drugs, can be misused and overdoses of their scents alone are possible. In times of great mental or emotional stress, inhale clary sage essential oil This will allow you to temporarily release these problems. Afterward, calmly deal with them in the appropriate way. For more general purposes, clary sage essential oil can be inhaled for short periods of time to relax the body and mind. Inhale shortly before bed to encourage sleep and to produce vivid dreams. Marcel Lavabre, in //The Handbook of Aromatherapy//, writes that clary sage oil may be of help in releasing female sexual dysfunction (frigidity). Do not use clary sage in conjunction with alcohol or to excess.