====== Copal ======
---- dataentry herbs---- latin_names: Bursera odorata, B. fugaroides folk_names: gender_tags: Masculine planet_tags: Sun element_tags: Fire deity_tags: effect_tags: Love, Purification part_tags: resin ----
===== Magical Uses ===== Copal is added to love and purification incenses, especially in Mexico. A piece of copal can represent the heart in poppets. There are over 300 copals available around the world and perhaps a handful are commonly available in the United States. All copals have a certain light sweetness in common and are therefore often useful in love spells. Each of the commonly available copals has unique properties. Aztec, or Black, Copal has a pine scent that separates it from other copals. Manila Copal is especially light and sweet. Mayan Copal, Manila Copal and Golden Copal are a few other copals available today. ===== Aromatherapy ===== ==== Lore ==== Used by the Maya, the Aztecs and many other peoples of Central and North America, copal is currently gaining in popularity as an incense for spiritual purposes. The Otomi, a people living in Mexico, still use the smoke from smouldering copal to purify magical images designed to heal the sick. Copal is also burned in Mexican households for purification and protection. Curiously enough, true fossilized copal (copal amber) is occasionally found. ==== Magical Uses ==== As far as I know, copal isn’t currently available as an essential oil. The gum-resin can be found in many U.S. shops, though the majority of this is plantation-grown in the Philippines. Little or no Mexican copal hits United States markets. Copal best releases its rich scent when smouldered on charcoal blocks, but I couldn’t do a book of this kind without mentioning it. The powdered and chunk forms emit an odor akin to frankincense but with a lighter, citrusy tone. It is a clean, crisp fragrance which is ideal for self-purification rituals. The next time you’re feeling depressed or guilty over some trifling matter, or at any other time you feel the need, smell the fragrance of copal. Visualize it pouring into you like a tiny, friendly series of whirlwinds that gently cleanse you. Exhale the negativity. Maintain this for about three minutes.