====== Patchouly ======
---- dataentry herbs---- latin_names: Pogostemon cablin or P. patchouli folk_names: Pucha-Pot, Kablin gender_tags: Feminine planet_tags: Saturn element_tags: Earth deity_tags: effect_tags: Money, Fertility, Lust, Sex, Physical Energy part_tags: dried leaves, essential oil ----
===== Magical Uses ===== Patchouly smells like rich earth, and so has been used in money and prosperity mixtures and spells. It is sprinkled onto money, added to purses and wallets, and placed around the base of green candles. Also, owing to its earthiness, patchouly is used in fertility talismans, and is also substituted for "graveyard dust" where it is called for. Patchouly is added to love sachets and baths. Although in contemporary American voodoo-based herbal magic patchouly is used for "separation," this is a modern concept and has no long tradition. In point of fact, patchouly is actually used to attract people and to promote lust. This points to differences in herb magic practices. ===== Aromatherapy ===== Pity the poor, downtrodden patchouly. This aroma took a real dip in popularity after the psychedelic ‘60s, when adulterated patchouly was used to mask the odor of marijuana smoke. To this day, many people dislike patchouly. Genuine patchouly essential oil has a deep, rich scent. It accurately captures the earthy, musky sweetness of the dried plant. Either form can be used in magical aromatherapy. The scent of patchouly is useful in arousing sexual desire and has been celebrated as such for well over a century. With proper visualization, it releases anxiety regarding sex and prepares its user for an enjoyable experience. To get yourself going in the morning, smell patchouly oil for a few seconds. It quickly starts you up. The scent of freshly-dug, rich, humus-filled dirt often closely resembles patchouly. Due to this curious connection, patchouly is also used to manifest needed money. Put a few drops of the dark oil onto a cotton ball. Inhale and visualize.