====== Sage ======
---- dataentry herbs---- latin_names: Salvia officinalis folk_names: Garden Sage, Red Sage, Sawge gender_tags: Masculine planet_tags: Jupiter element_tags: Air deity_tags: effect_tags: Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Wishes, Memory, Conscious Mind, Money part_tags: fresh leaves, dried leaves ----
===== Magical Uses ===== Sage has been utilized to ensure a long life--sometimes even immortality. This is done by eating some of the plant every day, or at least in May, for: *He who would live for aye* *Must eat sage in May.* Sage is carried to promote wisdom, and the leaves are used in countless healing and money spells. To guard yourself against contracting the dreaded evil eye wear a small horn filled with sage. There are a few curious gardening tips concerning sage: first, it is bad luck to plant sage in your own garden; a stranger should be found to do the work. Second, a full bed of sage brings ill luck, so ensure that some other plant shares the plot. Incidentally, toads love sage. If you desire to make a wish come true, write it on a sage leaf and hide it beneath your pillow. For three nights sleep upon it. If once you dream of what you desire your wish will be materialized; if not, bury the sage in the ground so that you do not come to harm. ===== Aromatherapy ===== The leaves of this common culinary herb possess such a strong, heady scent that they have long been used in magic. American Indians utilized white sage and other species of this fragrant plant in religious rituals. Since at least the 16th century, sage has been sniffed to strengthen the ability to memorize and to tone the conscious mind. With visualization it can also be used to promote wisdom. European folk magicians use sage as a bringer of money. Crush fresh or dried sage leaves between your fingers. Visualize money coming into your life or, if desired, those things which money will bring to you. See them manifesting in your life. Sage essential oil contains high levels of the ketone thujone, a dangerous substance. It should not be used at all, particularly by pregnant women. The fresh or dried herb is safe for use.