====== Mercury ======
---- dataentry metal---- latin_names: folk_names: Quicksilver energy_tags: Projective, receptive gender_tags: planet_tags: Mercury element_tags: Water, earth, air deity_tags: effect_tags: ----
===== Ritual Lore ===== Mercury-that strange, shining, molten "silver" that never solidifies. Mystically and magically, mercury is a complex metal. It is possessed of a dual nature-projective and receptive, yang and yin, metal and liquid. Due to its dense weight, mercury is ruled by the element of earth. Because it appears in a liquid state, it is also ruled by water, and its rapid movements signify air. Since Mercury is so poisonous this aspect could, perhaps, be ruled by fire. Let's face it, mercury is strange. It has been used in magic partly because of its unique appearance and properties. For example, pools of mercury were once held in the hand and used as vehicles for scrying. Also used for this purpose were clear glass spheres, filled with mercury and tightly corked, then placed upside down on a stand. A gambling talisman popular to this day consists of a hollowed nutmeg filled with mercury and sealed. This is carried for good luck with cards, dice, horses, and numbers. However-mercury is dangerous to breathe, ingest, or even to touch for prolonged periods of time. Its magical uses are therefore limited and, perhaps, needlessly risky. *The Witches' Almanac,* published annually by Llewellyn Publications, printed a modern version of the Witches' bottle, an old protective charm, in the Aries 1976–Pisces 1977 edition. This charm consisted of three bottles. The smallest bottle was filled with mercury and placed inside another bottle. The second bottle was filled with water and then put into an even larger jar, and covered with sand, rocks, and shells. After this spell was published, it became immensely popular, and many started to use mercury in magic once again. There are, however, safer metals to use in magic-safer and cheaper as well. Don't use mercury. Please.