====== Philosophy ====== ===== Introduction ===== I really enjoy discussing deep philosophical subjects. I write a lot when we go wilderness camping, and I've started digitizing my writings. I don't claim to be the source of truth on anything. My philosophy is based on what I observe in the world around me, what I learn about past civilizations, and what is synthesized from my observations. I might be wrong about everything...but so far, I have a pretty good track record. If you're looking for Molyneaux-style pop-philosophy, where you're told reality is a mirage and thus everything is meaningless in the end, you're barking up the wrong tree. [[philosophy:Nihilism]] is a dead end. This is an always-evolving work in progress, because no, there is not a single truth that transcends all peoples throughout all time. If there was, [[philosophy:religion:christianity:]] wouldn't have had to use violence for centuries to establish itself as the prevailing moral and religious authority. ===== Subjects ===== ==== Philosophy ==== ==== Religion ==== {{indexmenu>.:}} ===== Context ===== ==== Why politics? ==== Philosophy itself encompasses both political and religious belief, because both of these are built from a foundation of one's worldview and beliefs about humanity, existence, and the universe...which is all philosophy. The subjects I cover are varied, but all fall under the umbrella of philosophy, including politics and religion. You might not agree with me on everything (or most things) I have to say, and that's cool. I'm just about saying what's on my mind, and I don't expect anyone to agree with me. I'm pretty weird, so I'm used to that. In terms of political philosophy, I'm an American and have only ever been an American. My American ancestry can be traced to pre-revolutionary colonists in New England, and my political views are informed by the Constitution and the writings of our nation's founders, like Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Paine. I believe that America is the greatest nation on Earth, and I believe it's crucial that Americans put our own people, //regardless of skin color//, before the rest of the world. I also believe every nation on the planet has the same right - to prioritize their own people over the rest of the world. If you find this premise abhorrent, you're probably not going to like much of my views. ==== Why genetics? ==== At this point, in 2020, there is undeniable evidence that human behavior is tightly coupled with human genetics. Everything that makes us who we are begins with the genetics that created each of us as unique individuals in our mother's womb. Genetics are a strong determining factor in intelligence, cognition, behavior, and personality. While genetics are not predeterministic - the idea that you cannot choose to be anything outside of a narrow definition based on your genetics - they are still a key factor in the evolution of the self and the society of which one is a part. Genetics aren't a hard-coded script for your behavior as an individual, but they influence your predispositions and unconscious tendencies toward certain life choices and behaviors. When you see references in my writing to race - specifially, white European-descended people - just keep in mind that ::::I'm not making any claims about superiority or inferiority of any race, nor am I suggesting witchcraft with a Euro-folkish bent is only for white people::::. I'm merely acknowledging that the philosophical truths I'm discussing aren't actually universal, and shouldn't be implicitly applied to other populations of people who are nothing like the west. The practice of Christianity (both Catholicism and Protestantism) worldwide is a great illustration of the inevitable differences in human behavior across ethnic and genetic lines. Even in Europe alone, Christianity is very different depending on where you are. The Germanic people developed a fundamentalist, utilitarian view of the doctrine. The Nordics were similarly utilitarian, but incorporated more folkish beliefs, as their peoples' native beliefs were preserved for much longer. The Celtics and Gaelics in the British Isles are more superstitious and inclined to folk magic syncretized with their Christian beliefs. In the Mediterranean region, which saw the longest rule under Rome, Roman Catholic orthodoxy is still the reigning Christian ideology. My own ancestry is European, primarily Germanic, Celtic, and British (through the Normans). I think it's important to note this, because I think it's pretty evident that my bloodline is part of what makes me who I am, and influences how I perceive the metaphysical and spiritual components of human existence. I'm more utilitarian and less superstitious when it comes to magic. To me, understanding the flow of the universe and our planet is more important than adhering to a prescribed set of instructions that, if not followed to the letter, will result in failure (or worse, catastrophe). Understanding what we can control, and releasing what we can't, is central to my beliefs and practices.