====== Elder Futhark ====== This is the oldest known and complete runic alphabet. It was used in ancient Germania until Christianization, and the forced imposition of the Latin alphabet on the native Germanic peoples. Elder Futhark is divided into three groups known as //ættir//, and Old Norse word meaning "family" and "generation". The three sets of runes have different shared attributes((Source: [[https://www.pagangrimoire.com/elder-futhark-rune-meanings/|Pagan Grimoire]])). ===== Freyr and Freyja's Ætt ===== By different interpretations, this ætt can represent the physical world, fertility, wealth, and the body. ---- datatable sortable runes ---- cols: %pageid%, names, rune, unicode, sound, symbol, color_runetag headers: Name, Other Names, Rune, Unicode, Phonetics, Symbol(s), Color(s) filter: set = Elder Futhark filter: aett ~ *Freyja* ---- ===== Heimdall and Mordgud's Ætt ===== By different interpretations, this ætt can represent the unconscious world, the underworld, change, and the mind. ---- datatable sortable runes ---- cols: %pageid%, names, rune, unicode, sound, symbol, color_runetag headers: Name, Other Names, Rune, Unicode, Phonetics, Symbol(s), Color(s) filter: set = Elder Futhark filter: aett ~ *Heimdall* ---- ===== Tyr and Ziza's Ætt ===== By different interpretations, this ætt can represent the spiritual world, the afterlife, and the soul. ---- datatable sortable runes ---- cols: %pageid%, names, rune, unicode, sound, symbol, color_runetag headers: Name, Other Names, Rune, Unicode, Phonetics, Symbol(s), Color(s) filter: set = Elder Futhark filter: aett ~ *Tyr* ----