====== Ancestor (or Past Life) ======
---- dataentry spread ---- name: Ancestor (or Past Life) author: unknown cardss: 14 ---- {{tarotcal>tarot:readings|@SPREAD@,ancestor;}} {{template>template:tarotcal}}
===== Spread Notes ===== This is a personal profile spread, specifically crafted to give you a full profile of the life and personality of an ancestor (or yourself in a past life, if that's your thing). This spread is great for getting to know a tarot deck - you can do a reading without needing either a client or a burning question, and it uses enough cards that you'll have a nice spread to analyze and read. ===== Spread =====

Soul Nature






Early Years












Social Status






Family Life






Lessons Learned



Lessons Learned



Effects Today



Effects Today



  1. Soul nature: @onen@
  2. Environment: @twon@
  3. Early years: @threen@
  4. Education: @fourn@
  5. Triumphs: @fiven@
  6. Occupation: @sixn@
  7. Social status: @sevenn@
  8. Relationships: @eightn@
  9. Family life: @ninen@
  10. Death: @tenn@
  11. Lessons learned: @elevenn@
  12. Lessons learned: @twelven@
  13. Effects today: @thirteenn@
  14. Effects today: @fourteenn@
{{template>tarot:spreads:spreadcss | deck = @deck@ | one = @one@ | two = @two@ | three = @three@ | four = @four@ | five = @five@ | six = @six@ | seven = @seven@ | eight = @eight@ | nine = @nine@ | ten = @ten@ | eleven = @eleven@ | twelve = @twelve@ | thirteen = @thirteen@ | fourteen = @fourteen@ }}