====== Celtic Cross ======
---- dataentry spread ---- name : Celtic Cross author : unknown source_t_link : cards_s : 10 pages : ---- {{tarotcal>tarot:readings|@SPREAD@,celticross;}} {{template>template:tarotcal}}
===== Spread Notes ===== The Celtic Cross spread is considered one of the more traditional tarot spreads still in use today. It's not particularly "ancient" or esoteric, and while it's described in many LWBs and books about reading tarot, it can be a bit complicated for the novice reader. The spread is typically laid with card 2 across card 1; the cards are displayed separately here for easy reading. ===== Spread =====

The Goal






Future Influences



The Present



Distant Past



Inner Emotions









Recent Past






  1. The Present: @onen@
  2. Obstacles: @twon@
  3. The Goal: @threen@
  4. Distant Past: @fourn@
  5. Recent Past: @fiven@
  6. Future Influences: @sixn@
  7. Querent (You): @sevenn@
  8. Environment: @eightn@
  9. Inner Emotions: @ninen@
  10. Outcome: @tenn@
{{template>tarot:spreads:spreadcss | deck = @deck@ | one = @one@ | two = @two@ | three = @three@ | four = @four@ | five = @five@ | six = @six@ | seven = @seven@ | eight = @eight@ | nine = @nine@ | ten = @ten@ }}