====== Presidential Priorities (Election 2020) ======
---- dataentry spread ---- name: Presidential Priorities (Election 2020) author : /u/nottherealme1220 source_t_link : www|url=www.reddit.com/r/tarot/comments/j1cu5t/i_did_a_spread_for_the_state_of_the_us_after_the/|txt=Reddit cards_s : 05 ---- {{tarotcal>tarot:readings|@SPREAD@,election2020;}} {{template>template:tarotcal}}
===== Spread Notes ===== I was inspired to create this spread after reading [[https://www.reddit.com/r/tarot/comments/j1cu5t/i_did_a_spread_for_the_state_of_the_us_after_the/|this reddit post]]. ===== Spread =====

Economy & Workforce



Domestic & Family Issues



Hidden Influences



Role of the Citizenry



Potential Outcome



  1. Economy & Workforce: @onen@
  2. Domestic & Family Issues: @twon@
  3. Hidden Influences: @threen@
  4. Role of the Citizenry: @fourn@
  5. Potential Outcome: @fiven@
{{template>tarot:spreads:spreadcss | deck = @deck@ | one = @one@ | two = @two@ | three = @three@ | four = @four@ | five = @five@ }}