====== Mountains & Molehills ======
---- dataentry spread ---- name: Mountains & Molehills author: Psychic-Revelation.com source_t_link: psychrev|page=mountains_and_molehills cardss: 10 ---- {{tarotcal>tarot:readings|@SPREAD@,mounthills;}} {{template>template:tarotcal}}
===== Spread Notes ===== This is a fairly large spread, with markers for both the big and little things going on in life. It's helpful to identify the big things, so you aren't wasting too much energy and time on the little things. ===== Spread =====

Spiritual (Major)



Spiritual (Minor)



Spiritual (Minor)



Emotional (Major)



Emotional (Minor)



Emotional (Minor)



Psyche (Major)



Psyche (Minor)



Psyche (Minor)



Other Challenges



Other Challenges



Other Challenges



  1. Spiritual (major): @onen@
  2. Spiritual (minor): @twon@
  3. Spiritual (minor): @threen@
  4. Emotional (major): @fourn@
  5. Emotional (minor): @fiven@
  6. Emotional (minor): @sixn@
  7. Psyche (major): @sevenn@
  8. Psyche (minor): @eightn@
  9. Psyche (minor): @ninen@
  10. Other Challenges (major): @tenn@
  11. Other Challenges (minor): @elevenn@
  12. Other Challenges (minor): @twelven@
{{template>tarot:spreads:spreadcss | deck = @deck@ | one = @one@ | two = @two@ | three = @three@ | four = @four@ | five = @five@ | six = @six@ | seven = @seven@ | eight = @eight@ | nine = @nine@ | ten = @ten@ | eleven = @eleven@ | twelve = @twelve@ }}