====== Windows & Doors ======
---- dataentry spread ---- name: Windows & Doors author : unknown cards_s : 07 ---- {{tarotcal>tarot:readings|@SPREAD@,windoors;}} {{template>template:tarotcal}}
===== Spread Notes ===== This is a fairly large spread, and offers a look at both opportunities (windows) and obstacles (doors) you may be facing. I like this spread, because it helps me take a step back and reassess my situation with a clearer head. ===== Spread =====

Past Influences



Present Influences



Potential Influences



Positive Energies






Negative Energies






  1. Past Influences: @onen@
  2. Present Influences: @twon@
  3. Potential Influences: @threen@
  4. Positive Energies: @fourn@
  5. Negative Energies: @fiven@
  6. Opportunities: @sixn@
  7. Obstacles: @sevenn@
{{template>tarot:spreads:spreadcss | deck = @deck@ | one = @one@ | two = @two@ | three = @three@ | four = @four@ | five = @five@ | six = @six@ | seven = @seven@ }}