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Complete List of Runes

The following table includes the entire Unicode runic block, as detailed here. You can filter this table by clicking on any of the tags.

Filtered by set=Gothic & color=brown

NameOther NamesRune UnicodePhoneticsSet(s)Symbol(s)Color(s)
Othalaplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigOthala

The Rune Site on the Elder Futhark Othala:


The Rune Site on the Gothic Othal, Utal:
Othala, Othal, Odal, Utal16DF"o" like "old"Elder Futhark, Gothichomeland, ancestral land, family landcopper, brown
Fehuplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigFehu

The Rune Site on the Elder Futhark Fehu:


It's important to note that in pre-Christian northern Europe, usury and credit didn't really exist as practical concepts. The Germanics were generous by nature, and preferred to give, rather than to loan. In this context, ᚠ symbolizes true wealth - not money and credit, but family, land, and the means to self-sufficiency.
Fehu, Fehum, Fe, Feoh, Fé, Faihu, F16A0"f"Elder Futhark, Younger Futhark, Gothic, Alphabetcattle, wealth, prosperity, well-beinggreen, brown