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Tarot Zodiac Calculator


Link-breaking changes were made to this tool on October 19, 2022. See the Changelog tab for more details.

This tool uses the same methodology detailed in Mary K. Greer's Tarot For Your Self. It uses your birthday and your natal astrological chart to build a tarot profile. Enter your birth details below, and choose up to three decks to display your results.

You can bookmark your results to make it easier to return to them in the future - I recommend this if you want to use this tool as a way of practicing daily reminders of the personal meanings you learn to intuit the more you use your cards.

More Details

If you're new to Tarot, and you're interested in its potential for directing one's own self-understanding, this calculator is a good place to start. It will provide you a large spread of cards which are all oriented toward you - your personality, predispositions, character qualities, flaws, and everything else that forms you as a unique individual. Since you know yourself better than anyone else, telling your own story to your own spirit offers familiar territory, which makes it easier to let yourself get into working with the cards and the imagery. Every Tarot card's image has a timeless lesson hidden in its symbolism, so even if some of the cards don't seem relevant to you right now, their meaning may become more clear over time.

I also recommend doing this privately, as you would with a written journal of your deepest thoughts. Keep this exploration to yourself - it's about you, for your own self-improvement, and that's not something you should put on anyone else. It's definitely not something you should do for show, because that just defeats the purpose of the exercise. Take the time to go through each card individually, examining its imagery and plumbing the depths of its messages. Take notes on what aspects of the illustrations stand out to you or resonate with you, and don't be afraid to deviate from your deck's LWB - sometimes, the author's interpretation doesn't sync with your own intuitive one, and that's totally fine.

One last note: this tool mostly relies on math - both arithmetic with your birth date, and advanced trigonometry to calculate the positions of the celestial bodies for your natal star chart. While I don't think numbers have magic powers, the order math brings to the universe makes this sort of exercise more interesting. After all, if you find yourself coming to the same card throughout this calculator's results, there might be some much deeper messages waiting for you in that card, if you're willing to explore it further.



Card images now include the deck and card names for easier identification.


You can now look up the coordinates of your birth location. This feature uses the open-source Nominatim library. It does send your search query to the public nominatim API.


I'm working on getting the OpenStreetMaps location API working. In the meantime, you can use a maps website to look up the coordinates of your birth location.


This tool has been reworked and now calculates your astrological signs based on provided birth details. For more information, head to the Technical Details tab.

Technical Details

This tool uses the following:

  • Swiss Ephemeris - a C library and accompanying astrological dataset
  • php-sweph - PHP bindings for the above
  • php-timezones - function for returning the time zone of given coordinates
  • Nominatim - public OpenStreetMap API for finding coordinates from given location

The location search relies on a third-party service, because it's essentially impossible to do this indepenently. A complete set of global coordinates, with full indexing and searching, is infeasible for a small site like this one. If you're not comfortable with this, you're welcome to use the Tarot Zodiac Calculator (Alt), which uses the old tool and requires you to find your astrological signs on your own.

Your Information

Click "Calculate" to find coordinates
Sun ☉
Moon ☾
Rising ☊