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Magickal Natural Materials

Herbs & Plants

Filtered by deity=Aesculapius & effect=Strength

Title effectdeityelementplanetenergygender
Bayplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigBay

Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, StrengthAesculapius, Apollo, Ceres, Faunus, ErosFireSunMasculine

Crystals & Gems

Filtered by deity=Aesculapius & effect=Strength

Title effectdeityelementplanetenergygender
Agateplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigAgate


Magical Uses

In general, the agate is utilized in spells and magical rituals involving strength, bravery, longevity, and so on.

Worn on the arm or carried while gardening, the agate increases your plants' fertility and ensures a bountiful crop or healthy flowers. Moss agate (see below) was thought to be the best suited for this. Charged agates can be
Strength, courage, longevity, gardening, love, healing, protectionAesculapiusMercury


Filtered by deity=Aesculapius & effect=Strength

Title effectdeityelementplanetenergygender
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