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Tarot Deck Reviews

I own or have previously owned all of the decks listed here. As of July 2023, all reviews of digital-only decks and books have been removed.

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Filtered by artist=Robert M. Place & publisher=Hermes Publications & author=Robert M. Place

Deck ArtistAuthorPublisherArtworkIntuitionBookQualityBuy
Alchemical Tarot (5th Edition)plugin-autotooltip__defaultRobert M. PlaceRobert M. PlaceHermes Publications5425
Tarot of the Sevenfold Mysteryplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigTarot of the Sevenfold Mystery

Card Gallery
Robert M. PlaceRobert M. PlaceHermes Publications3335
Tarot of the Alchemical Magnum Opusplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigTarot of the Alchemical Magnum Opus

This is a distilled, iconic version of Robert M. Place's Alchemical Tarot. Each card shows the main image or theme from the more detailed illustrations. I find it difficult to read with this deck, but have made use of the artowrk in crafting projects.
Robert M. PlaceRobert M. PlaceHermes Publications5115

Ten most recent reviews

Filtered by artist=Robert M. Place & publisher=Hermes Publications & author=Robert M. Place

Deck ArtistAuthorPublisherArtworkIntuitionBookQualityBuy
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