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Tarot Deck Reviews

I own or have previously owned all of the decks listed here. As of July 2023, all reviews of digital-only decks and books have been removed.

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Filtered by author=Barbara Moore & artist=Julia Jeffrey

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Tarot of the Hidden Realmplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigTarot of the Hidden Realm

Deck Notes

I added this deck to my collection in 2023 after going through a digital copy of the cards. The illustrations are capitvating and beautiful, each featuring an emotive portrait of a magical person. It's not a particularly intuitive deck for me, but I love the artwork and enjoy reading with it. This is a good deck for spreads focused on feelings - both of the querent and others around them.
Julia JeffreyBarbara MooreLlewellyn5355

Ten most recent reviews

Filtered by author=Barbara Moore & artist=Julia Jeffrey

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