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Tarot Deck Reviews

I own or have previously owned all of the decks listed here. As of July 2023, all reviews of digital-only decks and books have been removed.

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Filtered by publisher=Lo Scarabeo & author=Pietro Alligo & artist=Antonella Castelli

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Primavera Tarotplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigPrimavera Tarot

Deck Notes

This is a cute little mini deck that is now out-of-print. The artwork is quite nice, but lacks any real depth - much like another popular Nouveau-style deck, the Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot. I don't use it for reading. I enjoy the artwork, however, and it follows the standard RWS rubric, so if you like the Art Nouveau aesthetic, the full size deck is still available.
Antonella CastelliPietro AlligoLo Scarabeo2312

Ten most recent reviews

Filtered by publisher=Lo Scarabeo & author=Pietro Alligo & artist=Antonella Castelli

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