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Tarot Deck Reviews

I own or have previously owned all of the decks listed here. As of July 2023, all reviews of digital-only decks and books have been removed.

All decks

Filtered by author=Floreana Nativo & publisher=Lo Scarabeo

DeckArtistAuthor PublisherArtworkIntuitionBookQualityBuy
Universal Celtic Tarotplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigUniversal Celtic Tarot

Deck Notes

After two bad decks, I figured I was probably done buying Lo Scarabeo imprints. Shows how much I know! I stumbled across this deck after finding my interest in Celtic mythology and imagery reinvigorated, in part since AncestryDNA's 2020 update revealed I have more Celtic stock in me than I'd previously believed.
Cristina ScagliottiFloreana NativoLo Scarabeo5525

Ten most recent reviews

Filtered by author=Floreana Nativo & publisher=Lo Scarabeo

DeckArtistAuthor PublisherArtworkIntuitionBookQualityBuy
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